Questions to ask local/state/federal leaders
In order to be successful we need people to organize with each other locally. We need people to go to local meetings and get in touch with your leaders. Most importantly, we need to find like minded induvial in real life in your local communities. However, it is understandable and expected that some people may need convincing, so if you are already convinced here are some starter questions and topics you can use, of course feel free to use your own and to even contact us for suggestions that you’ve found work. With that in mind, if you are unsure of how to get the conversation started or about what to ask, we have prepared questions that are relevant to The Congressional White Caucus that can be asked to get the conversation started among family and friends and/or even at local political meetings/townhalls/community events. Feel free to pick and choose what you feel comfortable asking.
What are you doing to help white people in general? Much is often said about appealing to the specific needs of each individual non-white group but no one ever talks about appealing to the specific needs of white people.
What are you doing to help white people succeed in school and the workplace? Again much is often said about helping non-whites achieve success in schools and workplaces, but nobody ever specifically address white people achieving success.
What are you doing to stop diversity hiring practices that discriminate against white people? Here again, no one ever says we need to hire more white people, especially white males. Diversity hirings always mean hiring less white people, especially white males.
What are you doing to address black on white crime?

What are you doing to get non Whites off of welfare and to address the rampant welfare abuse in general? Non-whites take up the majority of welfare dollars and stay on it for longer periods of time, meanwhile single white males are the group with the least access to welfare services.
What are you doing to stop illegal and non White immigration and the hiring of illegals? It is no secret that plenty of companies, often construction companies, although not exclusively, hire illegals for work which takes away jobs from citizens, and more specifically how are you helping jobless whites find jobs?
What are you doing to stop foreign aid? Especially to third world countries where a lot of money is spent but little is accomplished. In fact much negative is done as a result of foreign aid to the third world. Poachers use that money to hunt animals to extinction which is falsely blamed on climate change which is falsely attributed to white supremacy and white countries.
What are you doing to oppose critical race theory?

What are you doing to stop the demographic shift in America to prevent Whites from becoming an absolute minority by 2040 or 2050 at the latest? How does the fact that whites are set to become a minority and white children already a minority in schools make you feel?
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
To quote from the study:
“Figure 4 makes clear how important minority populations will become for the nation’s youth even through 2060. At that point in time, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent. This contrasts sharply with the minority contribution to the nation’s seniors, which will still be over half white.”

White children are already a minority —- CLICK HERE for more information

What are you doing to oppose circumcision and to protect the right of bodily integrity of minors regardless of sex?
What are you doing to prevent children and even adults from receiving medical treatment to facilitate transition to a different sex?
What is your opinion on Israel? And what do you think of their treatment of Palestinians? Do you think America should be supporting either country? Do you find Israel to be an ally and are you aware that we send them money to defend their borders yet they advocate for the open borders of our country?
What are you doing about Jewish control of our wealth and media? And as a result Jewish influence on our country. Jews despite being 2% of the population own, most of the media, banks, and make up 48% of our billionaires.

What are your thoughts on unjust banking practices that hurt potential business owners and home owners? One such practice is Usury which is defined as “the practice of making unethical or immoral loans that unfairly enrich the lender. The term may be used in a moral sense—condemning taking advantage of others’ misfortunes—or in a legal sense, where an interest rate is charged in excess of the maximum rate that is allowed by law. A loan may be considered usurious because of excessive or abusive interest rates or other factors defined by the laws of a state. Someone who practices usury can be called a usurer, but in modern colloquial English may be called a loan shark.”

Definition of Usury
What are your thoughts on organizations such as BLM and Antifa? Are you were aware of their many violent “protests” they have had? Are you aware that one of the three founding members of BLM is a Jewish communist? What do you think of communism having such a powerful influence in our country?
What are you doing to recognize the reality of white flight and white people wanting to live in majority white areas? And what about whites wanting to send their kids to majority white schools? And workplaces? Etc.